


Sprint 3000

 The Sprint 3000 is the affordable option to the Sprint bookletmaking line. The 3000 jogs, staples and folds in one easy operation.

Sprint 5000 

The Sprint 5000 is the industryÆs most popular bookletmaker, capable of on-line corner, side and saddle stapling. It can produce a variety of professional-looking reports, manuals and presentations.


The M2 Bookletmaker is a compact, manually fed machine that is perfect for short run environments like churches, schools, on-demand print shops or in-plants.

F40 Bookletmaker

The F40 Bookletmaker is the perfect entry-level unit for automated in-house bookletmaking for smaller shops and organizations. The set-up and operation are straightforward. Four staple head positions offer maximum flexibility and can easily staple and fold up to 25 sheets of 20-lb. paper.

PL 60

The Plockmatic PL60 bookletmaker is designed for hand feeding of precollated/sorted sets. It handles up to 22 sheets of 20lb. paper and will fold and staple in a single pass! This machine is extremely simple to operate and has become a standard for many quick-printers across the United States. The PL60 is the perfect solution for low to mid bookletmaking volumes.

PL 61

The Plockmatic PL61 bookletmaker can be used inline with a Plockmatic PL310 or PL306 collator or offline as a stand-alone unit. The PL61 is designed to feed precollated/sorted sets either manually or through a collating tower for a truly automatic bookletmaking system. It handles up to 22 sheets (offline) or 10 sheets (inline) of 20 lb. paper and will fold and staple in a single pass!

PL 82 Bookletmaker with PL83 Trimmer

The Plockmatic PL82 bookletmaker can be used inline with a Plockmatic 310 or 306 collator or offline as a stand-alone unit. An optional inline trimmer (pictured above), can also be added to this unit. The PL82 is designed to feed precollated/sorted sets either manually or through a collating tower for a truely automatic bookletmaking system. It handles up to 20 sheets of 20 lb. paper and will fold and staple in a single pass!

PL 1020 and 1030

The Plockmatic PL1020 bookletmaker is a fully-automatic bookletmaker that can be used inline with a Plockmatic PL310 or PL306 collator or offline as a stand-alone unit. An optional inline trimmer (pictured above), can also be added to this unit. The PL1020 is designed to feed precollated/sorted sets either manually or through a collating tower for a truly automatic bookletmaking system. It handles up to 24 sheets of 20 lb. paper and will fold and staple in a single pass!      

PL 104 Square Folder

The SquareFold module is available in two configurations: offline for hand-feeding or inline for use with any Plockmatic trimmer (PL83 or PL1030). Within seconds the module is hung onto the trimmer, connected and ready to go. No need for a belt stacker - the saddle-stapled booklets come out flat and hence stack neatly on the integrated delivery tray. Up to 1800 booklets can be produced per hour with exactly the same flat finish look as a perfect bound book. There is no smell from glue, no warm-up time, no hot and hazardous areas...and production is much faster!

Bindery Mate 2 Stitcher

Features patented, ISP wire-fed magnetic stitching heads, "one step" threading for quick and easy set-up and compact size. Switches from flat to saddle stitching and back again in seconds.


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